Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hi! My name is...

Take a quick moment to tell us who you are!

Name? Nickname?
Current Book you are reading?
Favorite book or author?
What you hope to gain or contribute here?
A fact that you don't mind sharing...

Have fun! And I am glad to get to know you better!


Romancing the Book said...

I'll kick this off.

I'm Jen, a analyst at Ecova. :) I'm also the one who suggested the blog, so feel free to blame me if this doesn't work. LOL

I'm always reading, but am in a funk right now as nothing is really appealing. It's probably because I'm finding it hard to carve out the time to read. *sigh*

I like so many authors... top of the list is JK Rowling, but high up there with her are Robyn Carr and Sherrilyn Kenyon.

I'm hoping to find some new suggestions to read and perhaps get out of my comfort zone with reads, provided I can make the time to do it.

And my fact... as you can see from my google name, I run a website called Romancing the Book ( where we feature romance books and their authors. We always have reviews posting as well as interviews and guest posts from authors...and most importantly, lots of contests. If romance novels are a guilty pleasure, check it out. :)


Lady Loretta said...

Rock On Jen!

I am Loretta and I am currently a Data Entry person... yep, one of the folks that gets blamed for all them edits! *wink*

I am in a reading tornado... so many titles, not enough time it seems! A bith of Sara Douglass, Robert A. Heinlein, Richelle Mead, J.R. Ward, Gena Showalter, and about 5 other authors that I could mention if I just went upstairs. *sigh* so many books! such a wonderful time!

I prefer to have variety in my reading diet. I lean heavily on paranormal and romance, but love a good mystery and humor. But, I have to say that my all time favorite author at the moment is Laurell K. Hamilton. *BIG SMILE!*

What I hope to contribute is a variety of reading selections to my fellow readers! What I hope to gain is new acquaintances, form friendships, and discover more authors that I can add to my home collection with glee.

A random fact... my brother is really really into prepping. So! If'n you are wanting a book on survival or some such, I probably have it in my house. C'est la vie!