Thursday, November 29, 2012

October Reading Pick

Have you ever sat up late at night and seen something just out of the corner of your eye? Turning to look, do you find nothing there? Have you heard your name being called out by a loved one that isn't home? Witnessed doors that mysteriously open and close on their own? What about footsteps approaching, only to turn and find emptiness echoing aloud? Every year, thousands tell the stories of their personal accounts of ghostly hauntings. Are they just that: stories? Or is there something else, lurking outside the boundaries of what we call reality. From the famous Amityville house to the tragic case of Murder Ridge, do the murders that took place there tell the whole story? Or do the dead hang on, struggling to share their voice with the willing and the ones that seek to learn? Take my hand and come with me into a world where the dead themselves speak to the tragedy of a life lost to time. The evidence is all here within the pages of this book. It's up to you to decide if you choose to believe.

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